Summer at YAC: in & out of the studio!

YAC has been busy recently both in and out of the studio! From sharing our art with the community to preparing for our Summer Show, here’s a look at what we did!

YAC at the Carmel Bach Festival!

The Carmel Bach Festival held a family concert in July at the Sunset Center, and we were able to have a booth for facepainting! Thank you to Marcia, Raven, Luke, and Iphie for representing YAC at this event!

Thank you to Marcia for snapping this candid photo, and to Brian Edwards (City of Monterey: Library & Museums Director) for sending us these photos of Raven! His son asked for Sonic the Hedgehog and gave it a big thumbs up!

Table Painting!

In preparation for the Summer Show, we've given the studio tables a fresh coat of paint for a renewed appearance! We selected 1-2 images from each table to preserve, while the remaining tables have been transformed into blank canvases, eagerly awaiting more sketches to come. Check out some of these before and after shots to see the difference!

“Frames of YAC”

One of the biggest tasks for the Summer Show preparation was preparing out walls and putting art on it! We spent a lot of time making sure the walls were ready, and finding the right frames for each piece of art. Here are some “frames of YAC” and moments from our framing section—thank you to those who helped us out with a donation. Thank you Meg for these photos!

Sharing art with Monterey!

Thank you to the Monterey Public Library for having our artwork up in their entryway! We always appreciate sharing our art in community spaces. The show will be up for the rest of the month if you want to stop by. You can see it anytime 10am–6pm from Tuesday–Saturday, at 625 Pacific St, Monterey, CA 93940


YAC mentioned in The Carmel Pine Cone!


Workshop: Asian in America with Joe Aki Ouye