YAC partners with Meals On Wheels
YACsters glazing plates for Meals on Wheels
Sunday, October 26th was the 18th Anniversary Culinary Classique D’Elegance, a fabulous culinary and design extravaganza to benefit Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula. This year, YACAlum Chloe Wilson was commissioned to make the recognition plates for the event – hand glazed, personalized dishes for every designer, chef, and sponsor that made the event possible. Chloe worked with YACsters to complete the 80-something plates. But the project would never have been completed without the help of the amazing Peggy Alonas – YAC parent, local artist, ceramics professor, lifesaver – who helped fire, fire, and re-fire all of the plates!Read the Meals on Wheels article about the project here (on page 12)Visit Peggy Alonas’s beautiful website hereAnd see Chloe Wilson’s website here