Support Us
YAC depends on the generosity and kindness of our sponsors and individual donors. Your tax deductible donation will significantly impact our YACsters and our community by supporting this vital and successful program for Monterey County youth.
Please make a contribution today… or join “Friends of YAC” by making a monthly gift. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated!
Giving Options
Other ways to give
Donate art supplies and equipment
Commission art services such as murals, paintings, and illustration
Provide scholarships for college and special courses
Sponsor a YACster (Member Dues, $600/person)
Help pay for snacks (No starving artists)
Your contribution directly supports YAC’s programs. Thank you!
Youth Arts Collective's EIN: 77-0526059
Grants Received
Monterey Peninsula Volunteer Services
KHR McNeely Family Fund
YAC maintains strong relationships throughout the community. Here are some of the businesses and organizations that have exhibited or commissioned YAC art, and with whom we’ve otherwise partnered.
Alta Bakery
Arts Council for Monterey County
Art, Media, and Performance Academy (AMP)
Avery Gallery
Carmel Art Association
Carl Cherry Foundation
Community Hospital for Monterey County
Copy King
Meals on Wheels
Monterey Museum Of Art
Monterey Rape Crisis Center
Monterey Public Library
Open Ground Studios
West End Celebration
Alan J. Hirschfield Family Foundation
Alexander F. Victor Foundation
Arts Council for Monterey County
Barnet Segal Charitable Trust
California Arts Council
Carmel Art Association
Carmel Realty Company
Central Coast Art Association
Chapman Foundation
Colleagues of the Arts
Community Foundation for Monterey County
Gloria Fund
Harden Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Monterey
Leavy Family Trust
Lori and Lou Flagg Memorial Youth Fund of CFMC
Marcus Family Fund
Monterey County Gives
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation
Neumeier Poma Investment Counsel
Pebble Beach Company Foundation
Rotary Club of Carmel-by-the-Sea
Rotary Club of Monterey
Rotary Club of Monterey Pacific
Slinger Family Fund
Union Bank Foundation
Wolfe/Arnold Family Fund
Yellow Brick Road Benefit Shop
“I can’t think of a better place for my support of youth activity.”
— Al Shugart, Founding Donor, Foundations & Service Organizations
2022 Donors
Youth Arts Collective recognizes the following individuals, foundations and service clubs for their generosity in 2022. Thanks to this support, we are able to fulfill our mission to provide mentoring and a creative sanctuary for Monterey County artists ages 14 to 22. These amounts are cumulative since January 1. We do our best to be accurate. Please let us know if there are any corrections or revisions. Again, thank you to all who support our work to inspire creativity, kindness and confidence in our youth. Do art. Be kind.
The Community Foundation For Monterey County
The Chapman Foundation
Chris and Lara Deam
Pebble Beach Company Foundation
Barnet Segal Charitable Trust
Fred Hartzell and Janet Wilson
The Roundhouse Foundation
Arts Council For Monterey County
Jerome Vandenbroucke
Jo Galvin
Monterey Peninsula Volunteer Services
The Rotary Club Of Monterey
Bryon Smith
Giordana Rock
Elizabeth Mirante and Steve Kurtz
Yellow Brick Road Benefit Shop
Dick and Joyce Weismann
Edward Lohmann and Lynn Lupetti
Karen and Jim Bustillo
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Tobi and Mike Marcus
Rebecca Stone
Vanessa and PK Diffenbaugh
Carmel Art Association
Jim Dultz and Ellen Osborne
Julia Kodl
Paul Brocchini
Rebecca Shaw
Stephanie Ruskell
The Hamper Family
Leo Kodl and Peggy Alonas
Michael B Corr
Carolyn and Thomas McGurn
Fredricka Brecht
Konny Murray and Dave Buckingham
Marsha Lubow
The Gupta-Lemus Family
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
Martin Stein
Kendra and Vicente Cabrera
Marissa Toni Serna
Nancy Carnathan-Cribbs
Sally Harris
The Cardinale Family
Blakely Family
Dale Byrne
Darren Blakely
Diana E Susselman
Elizabeth Blair
Leslie and Proctor Jones
Shelley and William Bennett
Tamara Voss
Trotter Galleries
Pattern Research, Inc.
Ann Pendleton
Arthur and Louisiana Sutton
Barry and Michelle Vesser
Bob, Sue and Kevin Wecker
Carol Cook
Cheryle Rivera
Cindy Stein
Creamer Family
Daniel Clarke and Anna Boles-Clarke
David Thornberry
Deborah Reitz
Demitria Seva'aetasi
Diane Rivera
Elliot Ruchowitz Roberts
Franscesca Thorne
Jacque Haag
Jodi Gelbman
John Dale
Judy and Thomas Wills
Karen Kiker and Jody Royee
Kathy Sharpe
Katie and Scott Mccray
Kenneth Chrisman
Kevin Causey & Cydney Payton
Laurie and John Sheehan
Lisa Watson & Philip Geiger
Marjorie and Nina Harrison-Bullock
Mary Lee and James Hansen Newman
Nancy Hunt
Nancy Rubin
Sally Voss
Sarah Bennett
Sarah Blake
Shirley & Hersch Loomis
Simon Hunt
Stacey McAlpine Bucher and Rudy Bucher
Susan Wallace Barnes
Teri L.K. Shugart
Terri and Tim Pipes
The Diocese of Monterey Parish & School, Sacred Heart Church
Thomas L and Patricia Ann Watts
Tony Vanderplug
Tracy Moyle
Wayne and Linda Cruzan
William Zeigler & Jan Penney
Alexandra Long
Sam Bissell
Zephyr Adams
Christine Murry
Brad Hatch Plumbing
Central Coast Dental Care
Christina Parley
Delynn Easley
Golden Luca Oake
Irma Gamboa-Hammond
Jacquelyn Woodward
Jeanne Badanes Dick
Jessica and Matthew Lewis
JoanE DeNeffe
Karl Robert Chrisman
Kurt Schnebele and Arlene Seckel
Mari Grijalva
Maria Leon
Marian Hag
Mary V. Gutches
Patrick Thornberry
Richard Levine
Robert Blitzer Gallery
Ronna Bradley and Dan Malone
Sandra Looper
Sharon Chrisman
Steve and Danielle McShane
The Leadinghams
Yoshiko Yokoyama
James Zekas
Colleen Brotherton
Elizabeth Gallardo
Kat Morgan and Daena Petersen
Michele Barat
Nichole Foy
The Wilder Family
Ron Goodman
Carrie Adler
Craig and Gina Fielder
Mikhail Lewis Brown
Suellen Rubin
Susan Mcdonald
Regina Palmer
Kathleen Ryan
2021 Donors
Lauralie and J. Irvine Fund of CFMC
The Albany Fountation
Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation
Harden Foundation
Stewart P. and Margaret Duffy- Ward
Alex Assemi
Michael and Darcy Blackburn
The Assemis
Pebble Beach Company Foundation
Geoff and Rebecca (Wolf) Arnold
Arts Council For Monterey County
Barnet Segal Charitable Trust
Fred Hartzell and Janet Wilson
The Community Foundation For Monterey County
The Rotary Club Of Monterey
Monterey County Gives! Fund of CFMC
Ann Jory
Brad Selby
Yellow Brick Road Benefit Shop
Frumkin Falco Family Foundation
Gloria Fund of CFMC
The Upjohn California Fund
Jenny Sayre Ramberg and Jen Chaffee
Alan Beckstead
Colleagues of the Arts Endowment Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
J.T Mason and Gretchen Hausmann
Janet Cooper and Mike Green
Torie Osborn
Donald Hughes and Darcie Fohrman
Michael Leavy and Elsa Susan Galvin
Peter K. and Incy Brooks
Rebecca Stone
Abe Livchitz
Edward Lohmann and Lynn Lupetti
Jennifer L White
Alexander F. Victor Foundation
Buffett Fund of the CFMC
Cynthia Vernon and Monta Potter
Jim Dultz and Ellen Osborne
Kay Cline
Kevin D Stewart
Lori and Lou Flagg Memorial Youth Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
Marcia F. Devoe Fund
Maren Martin
Mark Alderson and Anne Secker
Stephanie Ruskell
The Alan J. Hirschfield Family Foundation
The Carmel Realty Foundation of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
Tobi and Mike Marcus
Kathy DiMaggio
Zachary Combs
Nikki and Mike Guichet
Alice Cahn and Robin Patton
Fredricka Brecht
Kay and Jean Rigg
Benjamin & Mary Roberts
Doris Strawbridge
Gary Smith and David Ligare
David Heinstadt
Josh Pierce
Bill and Rocky Keland
Carmel Art Association
Carol Collin
Central Coast Art Association
Dan Baldwin and Anne Ylvisaker Fund
David Glickman
Gloria Souza and Sandie Borthwick
Harry S Pfeffer
Jack and Katherine Herbig
Jonathan and Patricia Giffen
Lowell and Wilda Northrop
Marjorie and Nina Harrison-Bullock
Melinda Milne
Oona Hull
Paul Brocchini
Peggy and Rod McMahan
Rebecca and Matthew Bright
Sarah and John Ames
Sheila and Dave Allaire
Studio Schicketanz
Susan and Martin McKendry
William and Barbara Hyland
Frederick Terman and Nan Borreson
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
Sandy Rader and Terry Wilson
Gail Harrison
Anne R Rudolph
Anne Ylvisaker
Andrea Mikulin
Bill Weigle
Ben Calvert
Giordana Rock
Cyd Love
Hollis and Jamie Barickman
Jay M. and Kip J. Hudson
Judy and Thomas Wills
Lisa Watson & Philip Geiger
Nan Heller and Robert Gunn
Nancy and Bill Perocchi
Rebecca Shaw
Susan Shillinglaw and William Gilly
Nancy and Stephen Donaldson
Sheila and Ben Benson
Campbell Studios
Denese Sanders and Gus Leonard
Dick and Joyce Weismann
Dorothy Rick
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Glenn C Tomblin
Janet Thomas
John Hain and Jennifer Allen
Judith and Scott MacClelland
K M Shachmut
Karen Judkins and Steven Wade Fund of the CFMC
Leslie and Proctor Jones
Lori & Brooks McChesney
Marsha Lubow
Monica Graham
Pamela Carroll
Schwab Charitable
Stacey McAlpine Bucher and Rudy Bucher
The Goldberg Family
Val Barnes
Karina Barger
Debora L. Jones
Pedro Rodriguez
Saskia Vandekamp
Catherine M O’Neill
Daniel Clarke and Anna Boles-Clarke
Diane J and Robert Creasey
Gary and Judy Logan
Graham and Connie Yost
Hollis Barickman
Jacque Haag
Janet Myer
Jean Ruth Still
Joaquin Turner and Amelia Ward
Judy Leroy and Larry Booker
Loreen Ozaki and Christopher Laing
Mary Underwood Hill
Robert Evans
Susan Wallace Barnes
Thomas G. Blair and Elizabeth T Blair
Trotter Galleries
Walter and Patty Gibeau
Wayne and Linda Cruzan
Lee Knutsen
Raven Cook
Ben Nurse
Bradley Zeve
Charles Kimzey
CJ Hunt
Dorothy Cole
Fred and Ann Jealous
Hector Mario Fernandez Valdez
Jane and Jeff Weismann Hand
Leigh Toldi
Linda and Rocco Cusenza
Sirie Thongchua
Supervisor Sheila Kuehl
Leslie Fry and Peter Sonne
Nancy Harray
Vanessa Bredthauer
Robin Venuti
Alan and Wendy Crockett
Ann Pendleton
Anne and Douglas Downs
Assheton Spiegelberg
Cheryl R. Trotter Robertson
Cynthia Greene
Daniel and Priscilla Gilbertson
Daryl and Amanda Salm
David Mora
Deborah Port and Michael Heymann
Ellen Henrici
Elliot Ruchowitz Roberts
Eva and Ted Parrott
Gerard Martin and Family
Gregor and Diane Cailliet
Heidi Feldman
Howard Perkins
Jamie and Kerry Dagdigian
Jean Brenner
Jeanne and Daniel Turner
Joan and John McCleary
Jon and Susan Siegel
Journeyworks Publishing
Joyce Dodd and Peter Gombrich
Juan Sanchez and Mayola Rodriguez
Judy and Robert Berglass
June Baldwin & Family
Karen Kiker and Jody Royee
Katherine E. Stoner and Michelle A. Welsh
Katherine K Combs
Katherine McCfray
Kathleen Knight
Kelleen Boyer
Konny Murray and Dave Buckingham
Larry Levine
Lee and Shirley Rosen
Leslie Long
Linda and Peter Frederiksen
Linda-Lee Myers
Margaret Spring and Mark Bunta
Mary Colleen Harrington
Mary K Kew
Mary Kay Norseng and Thomas Williams
Mary Kay Orosco
Mary V. Gutches
Michael DeLapa
Mylo M. and Charlene Lowery
Nicholas Sturch
Nicole Asselborn
Pat Wagner
Patricia H. Addleman
Patty Biederman
Penny Crymes
Piper Jaramillo
Rhonda Williams
Sam Bissell
Shirley & Hersch Loomis
Steve and Cynthia Vagnini
Susan Denny
Susan Kubica
Susan Osborne and Steve Brown
Susan Spiegel
Suzanne Worcester and Dr. Steve Moore
Teri Laxier
Theodore Calhoon
Theresa McTague
Val and Jim Giancola
Veronica and Rudy Zucca
Walter and Patricia Wagenhals
Yvonne Ascher and Leonard Laub
Amy Essick and Frank Takacs
Bob, Sue and Kevin Wecker
Deborah E. Reed
Leda Annest
Maggie Zhou
Anthony and Rohana Loschiavo
Brooke Chambers
Adrienne Herman
Andrew and Karen Sheppard
Ann and Brian Jacobson
Ann Wright
Anne Gosch and Joeseph Braun
Annie Holdren
Bernard Trainor
Beth Nowell
Bryce and Suzanne Graybill
Christiane Muehlich
CJ Erickson
Claudia and Maurice Coury
Craig Nuttycombe
Cynthia Myers
Debra and Fred Rubin
Douglas and Laurie Classen
Emy Ledbetter
Erin Hunter
Eva Baele Bernstein
F and Carmen Luiz
Irma Gamboa-Hammond
Jane Lundy
Janet Whitchurch
Janette Moody
Jeff Haynes
Jeffry Walker
Jennifer Brook-Kothlow
Joeseph and Alice Crawford
John and Gretchen Taylor
Judith Sulsona & William Rawson
Kent Hancock
Konnie Mast and Danny Hull
Krystle Hemmings and Morgan Zealear
Kyra Schlining
Larry and Sharon Bacon
Laura and Russell Frank
Lenis Hazlett
Madeline Ann Jones Kasch
Margaret E. Blume
Mari Grijalva
Marie Earl and Peter Skinner
Martin Rosen
Mary Whitney and Betsy Collins
Maxine and Hank Klaput
Nancy Bennett
Nancy Carnathan-Cribbs
Nancy Jones and Dave Alred
Neil Richman
New Masters Gallery
Patricia Lynn Hamilton and Patrick McNeill
Patricia McDermott
Paul Clark
Paulette Lynch and Ken Peterson
Regina Palmer
Richard Levine
Robin Winfield and Ron Baxter
Ronna Bradley and Dan Malone
Sharon and Dan Albert
Sharon Dwight
Shirley Chapman
Sue Addleman
Susan Gloninger Haimovich
Susan Rosen
Susan Wolfe and Jean Dupreez
The Hammond Family
Victoria and David Duke
Nicole Caldwell
Barbara Moon Batista
Heather Wilde
Jeff Mallory and Kevin Smith
John Paff
Julia Kodl
Paul Richmond
Sherree Brown Anderson
Anna and Emanuele Bartolini
Jeff and Susan Whitmore
Marla and Charles Murphy
Michele Barat
Bruce Merchant and Sandra Reel
Elizabeth Anne Jones
Kit Artig
Lynda Zens
Alana Puryear
Angela and Alexander Urciuoli
Arlene Krebs
Armstrong Family Fund of the CFMC
Cath Tendler
Hugo and Karen Ferlito
Jacquie Atchison
Jamison Tuitele-Lewis
Jan Wagstaff
Jean Engvall
John Tilley
Julie Heilman
Karen and Dirk Harris
Kathleen and Wolfgang Baer
Louise and Daniel Riddell-Kaufman
Mary Alice Cerrito Fettis
Mary Pommerich
Melissa Pickford and John Kern
Michele Zollna
Mishka Chudilowsky
Orosco Group
Robert and Serena Rapp
Roberta Parkinson
Steve and Danielle McShane
Tim and Cammy Torgenrud
Wendy and Joe Burnett
Pledgeling Foundation
Alison Kerr
Barbara Furbush
Carrie Parker and Denise Danaher
Charles and Andrea Wilson
Leslie Simon
Lisa and Brian Handley
Nancy Howden
Hannah Ray
Vicki Pearse
Amanda Menefee
Ed Matchak
Ellie Kincade
Kathleen Ryan
Lani Headley
Lyn Campbell
Nona Childress
Shirley Barrett-Sheridan
Susan Holm
The FOR Project
2020 Donors
Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation
The Chapman Foundation
Harden Foundation
Fred Hartzell and Janet Wilson
418 Fund
Gloria Fund of CFMC
Neumier Poma Investment Counsel
Stewart P. and Margaret Duffy-Ward
Arts Council For Monterey County
Barnet Segal Charitable Trust
Pebble Beach Company Foundation
The Marcus Family Fund of the CFMC
Monterey County Gives! Fund of CFMC
Frumkin Falco Family Foundation
The Upjohn California Fund
Alexander F. Victor Foundation
Ann Jory
Jenny Sayre Ramberg and Jen Chaffee
Monterey Peninsula Volunteer Services
Robert and Florence Slinger Fund
The Carmel Realty Foundation of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
Gloria Souza and Sandie Borthwick
Kathy DiMaggio
Colleagues of the Arts Endowment Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
Donald Hughes and Darcie Fohrman
Lori and Lou Flagg Memorial Youth Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
Peggy and Rod McMahan
Peter K. and Incy Brooks
William Rand
Michael Leavy and Elsa Susan Galvin
Rebecca Stone
Geoff and Rebecca (Wolf) Arnold
Jim Dultz and Ellen Osborne
Kay and Jean Rigg
Edward Lohmann and Lynn Lupetti
Logan Parsons and Elijah Mermin
Lowell and Wilda Northrop
Sheila and Dave Allaire
Doris Strawbridge
Marjorie and Nina Harrison-Bullock
Bill Weigle
Emily Dubois
Mary K Kew
Ballard Family Trust
Bill and Rocky Keland
Brad Selby
Carmel Art Association
Carol and Charles Keller
Connie Teal
Elizabeth Mirante and Steve Kurtz
Glenn and Susan Hunter
Herschel H Loomis
Jan Hopkins
Kirk Probasco
Maia Krist Johnson
Rebecca and Matthew Bright
Rotary Club Of Monterey Pacific
Sarah and John Ames
Stephanie Ruskell
Susan and Martin McKendry
William H. Lathrop, III
Yvonne Ascher and Leonard Laub
Karen and Chris Gelff-Mack
Katherine K Combs
Kiwanis Club Of Monterey
Gary Smith and David Ligare
Marsha Lubow
Frederick Terman and Nan Borreson
Heidi Feldman
Janet Thomas
Judy and Thomas Wills
Karen Judkins and Steven Wade Fund of the CFMC
Kay Cline
Malcolm Weintraub
Marilyn & Leo Woods
Rebecca Shaw
The Leadinghams
Jan Loomis
Carla Perissinotto
Dan Baldwin and Anne Ylvisaker Fund
Elizabeth and Nick Mullins
Jay M. and Kip J. Hudson
John Hain and Jennifer Allen
Melvin Fortes
Pattern Research Inc.
Shelley Family Fund of CFMC
Susan Wallace Barnes
Val Barnes
Vanessa and PK Diffenbaugh
June Baldwin & Family
Ann Hobson
Carol Collin
Congressman Sam Farr
Daniel and Neva Petersen
Darren Kerstien
David Maynard and Vonnie Coombs
Elliot Ruchowitz Roberts
Graham and Connie Yost
Jamie and Kerry Dagdigian
Joel Gambord
Karen Kiker and Jody Royee
Laura and Russell Frank
Linda and Peter Frederiksen
Linda Lamb
Linda McCarthy
Loreen Ozaki and Christopher Laing
Mark Shelley
Mary Underwood Hill
Nancy Jones and Dave Alred
Paul Brocchini
Ronald and Arlene Stone
Studio Schicketanz
Susan and Dennis Mar
Theodore Calhoon
Trotter Galleries
Walter and Patty Gibeau
Wayne and Linda Cruzan
David and Wendy Ellsworth
Mary Kay Norseng and Thomas Williams
MaryAnn and Hal Leffel
Cheryl and Paul Jordan
David Smith and Susan Manchester
Eileen Jones and Ernesto Mireles
Elizabeth Blair
Fred and Ann Jealous
Gary Quinonez
Jacque Haag
Joan and John McCleary
Judy Edmonds
Kiwanis Club of Pacific Grove
Lynn and John Archer
Pamela Carroll
Sally Crosby
Alice Cahn and Robin Patton
Regina Palmer
Sarah Chapman
Ben Nurse
Cortina Whitmore
Alan and Marilyn McMasters
Allison Barrett
Amanda and Jeff Holder
Anne and Douglas Downs
Bertie Bialek Elliott
Beth and Dave Barela
Beth Nowell
Bradley Zeve and Jeanne Howard
Britt and Enrique Ríos-Ellis
Bruce Hamiliton
Cannery Row Company
Carolyn and Thomas McGurn
Charlotte Noyes
Chris and Heidi de Bellis
Cindy and Jack McKenna
CJ Erickson
Craig Nuttycombe
Cyd Love
Cynthia Greene
Daniel Clarke and Anna Boles-Clarke
Deb Wilson-Vandenberg
Deborah Port and Michael Heymann
Diane Bower
Evelyn Kahan
Frank Laurich
Gregor and Diane Cailliet
Jane Parker and Chris Fitz
Janet Cooper and Mike Green
Jean Brenner
Jeanne and Daniel Turner
Jeff Becom and Sally Aberg
Jennifer Walker
Jesse Juarez III
Joel and Sharon Friedman
John Laughton
Jon and Susan Siegel
Journeyworks Publishing
Judith and Scott MacClelland
Judith Sulsona & William Rawson
Judy and Robert Berglass
Katherine E. Stoner and Michelle A. Welsh
Kathleen Knight
Kenji, Gloria and Brandon Saisho
Kevin Causey & Cydney Payton
Konny Murray and Dave Buckingham
Kristiane Mckee Maas
Larry Levine
Laura Arnow
Lawrence W Abrams
Lee and Shirley Rosen
Leslie and Hendrik Pretorius
Leslie and Proctor Jones
Leslie Cooley
Leslie Fry and Peter Sonne
Leslie Long
Lillian C. Rico
Ling Lau
Lori & Brooks McChesney
Lori Lietzke and David Goupil
Lud & Charmaine Geiger
Lynn F Snell
Marie Earl and Peter Skinner
Martin Rosen
Melita Tapia
Nan Heller and Robert Gunn
Nancy and Stephen Donaldson
Nancy Selfridge
Nicholas Sturch
Patricia Bova
Patricia Lynn Hamilton and Patrick McNeill
Penny Crymes
Piper Jaramillo
Regina and Mel Mason
Richard and Janet Myer
Robert Armstrong
Robin Winfield and Ron Baxter
Ruth L. Hamburg and Leslie C. Herod
Sam Bissell
Shirley & Hersch Loomis
Stacey Milton
Steve and Cynthia Vagnini
Supervisor Sheila Kuehl
Terri and Tim Pipes
Todd Bliss
Torie Osborn
Tritia and Brian Moneypenny
Virginia Bassett
Carrie Parker and Denise Danaher
Bob, Sue and Kevin Wecker
Carrie Theis
Johanna Gullick
Open Ground Studios
Rachel Saunders
Melissa Pickford
Al & Jerian Crosby
Alexander Michael and Renee Sosa
Ann Witherspoon
Anne Gosch and Joeseph Braun
Annie Holdren
Carol Chapman and Fred Slautterback
Catherine Crockett
Cathy E. Findley
Central Coast Dental Care
Charles and Norma Peluso
Claudia and Maurice Coury
Cynthia Myers
Daniel and Priscilla Gilbertson
David and Margaret Tarbell
Deanna Sinsel
Deborah E. Reed
Debra and Fred Rubin
Donna and Wayne Holden
Dorothy Singleton
Douglas and Laurie Classen
Elizabeth Anne Jones
Elizabeth Murray
Emily Southard
Emy Ledbetter
Eva and Ted Parrott
Gail Skidmore
Geoff Spellberg
Jamison Tuitele-Lewis
Jan Valtr
Jane and Julie Terflinger
Jane and Steve Benight
Janet Whitchurch
Jim Bennett
Joan and Sidney Smith
Johnny and Janelle Apodaca
Juan Sanchez and Mayola Rodriguez
Julie Heilman
Katie and Scott Mccray
Louis and Nancy Roberts
Marianne Gawain Davis
Martha and Jeffrey Froke
Martha Myszak
Martin and Joan Rosen
Mary Alice Cerrito Fettis
Mary Colleen Harrington
Mary Hudgens
Mary Whitney and Betsy Collins
Maxine and Hank Klaput
Melissa Smedley and Jeff Lindenthal
Michael and Barbara Sovereign
Michael DeLapa
Mishka Chudilowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Van Roekel
Nancy Harray
Natasha Myrka Doner
Nina Parris
Nora and Michael Oliver
Patricia H. Addleman
Patricia McDermott
Patricia Qualls and Doug Adams
Rhonda Williams
Richard and Susan Rosen
Richard Levine
Robert Evans
Sandra M. Krist
Sharon and Dan Albert
Steve and Danielle McShane
Sue Addleman
Susan and Prescott Kendall
Susan Gloninger Haimovich
Susan Walter
Suzanne Worcester and Dr. Steve Moore
Bobby and Linda Delcambre
Julio and Marie Perucca- Ramirez
Linda and Laurence Bell
Lisa and Brian Handley
Peggy Olsen
Sandra Still
Bruce Merchant and Sandra Reel
Christiane Muehlich
Jeff and Susan Whitmore
Linda A. Manderino
Ryan Kelly
Wendy Hursey
Maryann Sadler
Travis Clark
Alison Kerr
Amy Essick and Frank Takacs
Andrew and Karen Sheppard
Arlene Krebs
Barbara Bullock-Wilson
Batista Moon Studio
Bryce and Suzanne Graybill
Fran Spector Atkins
Henrietta Stern
Hugo and Karen Ferlito
Jacquelyn Woodward
Jan Wagstaff
Karen and Dirk Harris
Kat Morgan and Daena Petersen
Kathleen and Wolfgang Baer
Kristen Calcatera
Leslie Simon
Louise and Daniel Riddell-Kaufman
Lynn Telford
Margaret Spring and Mark Bunta
Mary Pommerich
Michelle and Kurt Overmeyer
Neil Richman
Robert and Serena Rapp
Roberta Parkinson
Susan Page Hocevar
Theresa Hvassman
Tim and Cammy Torgenrud
Wendy and Joe Burnett
Nancy Howden
Patricia Gotch
Paulette Lynch and Ken Peterson
Sara Rubin
The Paffs
Kathleen Ryan
R Klee
Amanda Menefee
Betty Aynaga and Steven Likong
Ed Matchak
Ellen Martin
Ellie Kincade
Emy and Charlie Paghasian
Lisa Watson & Philip Geiger
Marc Matchak
Mary Gale
Orosco Group
Alisa Fineman and Kimball Hurd
2019 Donors
Lauralie and J. Irvine Fund of CFMC
Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation
Bernard Trainor
Harden Foundation
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
Neumier Poma Investment Counsel
The Chapman Foundation
Stewart and Margaret Duffy-Ward
Fred Hartzell and Janet Wilson
David Londen
Barnet Segal Charitable Trust
Arts Council for Monterey County
Robert and Florence Slinger Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
Monterey County Gives! Fund of CFMC
Sandy Rader and Terry Wilson
The Rotary Club Of Monterey
Monterey Peninsula Volunteer Services
Helen Galvin
Martine Mineyev
Union Bank Foundation
Ann Jory
Peggy and Rod McMahan
Carmel Rotary Fund of CFMC
Donald Hughes and Darcie Fohrman
Lori and Lou Flagg Memorial Youth Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County
The Upjohn California Fund
Mann Packing Company
Peter K. and Incy Brooks
Rebecca Stone
Gloria Souza and Sandie Borthwick
Edward Lohmann and Lynn Lupetti
Janet Cooper and Mike Green
Jenny Sayre Ramberg and Jen Chaffee
Yellow Brick Road Benefit Shop
Lowell and Wilda Northrop
The Alan J. Hirschfield Family Foundation
Carmel Art Festival
Cynthia Vernon and Monta Potter
Mary K. Kew
Bruce and Harriet Newell
The Colleagues Of The Arts
Rotary Club Of Monterey Pacific
Central Coast Art Association
William Rand
Marissa Toni Serna
Valerie Barnes
Linda-Lee Myers
California International Salinas Airshow
Unitarian Universalist Church of the Monterey Peninsula
Thomas Hawley
Stephanie and Benjamin Horning
Marjorie and Nina Harrison-Bullock
Jim Dultz and Ellen Osborne
Merritt and Rogers Hawley
Studio Schicketanz
Bill Weigle
The Evelyn Torras Fund of CFMC
Glenn and Susan Hunter
Mary Underwood Hill
Tobi and Mike Marcus
Rebecca and Matthew Bright
Vanessa and PK Diffenbaugh
Christina Falco and Michael Frumkin
Dick and Joyce Weismann
Shawn and Nathan Anderson
Stephanie Ruskell
1st Capital Bank
Sarah and John Ames
William and Barbara Hyland
Rebecca Shaw
Linda-Lee Myers
Mary Underwood Hill
Parker-Lusseau Pastries
Kathy DiMaggio
Stephanie and Benjamin Horning
Jean Ruth Still
Lily Yuen and Wei Chang
Susan Wallace Barnes
Marjorie and Nina Harrison-Bullock
Kay Cline
Kevin Causey & Cydney Payton
Dan Baldwin and Anne Ylvisaker Fund
Walter and Patty Gibeau
Frederick Terman and Nan Borreson
Merritt and Rogers Hawley
Bill Boosman
Veronica and Terence Foley
Gyongyver Sovago
Tricia Wotan and Kevin Kutcher
Kiwanis Club Of Monterey
Judy and Thomas Wills
Louis and Nancy Roberts
The Crudge Family
Carmel Realty Company
Marsha Lubow
Jay M. and Kip J. Hudson
Sherrie and Tom McCullough
Elizabeth Murray
Bertie Bialek Elliott
Andrew and Beth Wodecki
Leslie Cooley
Mike and Mary Kanalakis
Marian Martino and Joanna Cusenza
Frank J. Troia and John Juster
Lillian C. Rico
Lauren Ryan
Angela and Alexander Urciuoli
Loreen Ozaki and Christopher Laing
Michael and Ann Draper
Johnny and Janelle Apodaca
Richard and Janet Myer
Jean Brenner
Richard MacDonald
Deborah E. Reed
Carol Collin
Malcolm and Judith Weintraub
Graham and Connie Yost
Linda and Clarence Guy
Ronald and Arlene Stone
Wayne and Linda Cruzan
Eileen Jones and Ernesto Mireles
Nan Heller and Robert Gunn
Supervisor Sheila Kuehl
Leon and Sheila Cooper
Melanie and Donald Christman
Sheila and Carlos Camacho
Doris Strawbridge
Pamela Carroll
Paul Brocchini
Martha Manson and Slim Pepperdene
Diane Bower
Joanna Winningham
Leslie and Hendrik Pretorius
Matthew and Shanna Morillo
Julie and Stuart Chase
Kathy and Bill Sharpe
Cyd Love
Martin Rosen
Demitria Seva'aetasi
Matthew Cook
Maxine and Hank Klaput
Mary & Doyle Moses
Regina and Mel Mason
Jeff Becom and Sally Aberg
Curt and Amanda Whitmire
Joan and John McCleary
Jacque Haag
The Allisons
Kyra Schlining
Michin Lim and David Choi
John Bradford
Lisa Fry
George and Barbara Urciuoli
Michele Zollna
Heide Wilson
Gary McKinney
Vibeke Norgaard and Ian Martin
Darlynn Michelle Jones
Tehila and Saul Eisenstat
Lisette Miles
Rachel Failano
Larry Levine
Terri and Tim Pipes
Konny Murray and Dave Buckingham
Claudia and Maurice Coury
David Smith and Susan Manchester
Patricia H. Addleman
Brad Selby
Cathy E. Findley
Katherine E. Stoner and Michelle A. Welsh
Leslie Fry Sonne
Bradley Zeve and Jeanne Howard
Grace and Ray Silva-Santella
Lee and Shirley Rosen
John Laughton
Carolyn McGurn
Mylo M. and Charlene Lowery
Elliot Ruchowitz Roberts
Patricia McDermott
Gary Smith and David Ligare
Jeanne and Daniel Turner
Tiffany Thisner
Cheryll & Wayne Daniel
John Hain and Jennifer Allen
Marie Earl and Peter Skinner
Melanie and Eric Allen
Nancy and Bill Perocchi
Karen and Bruce Sabath
R. Lynn and Lydia Davis
Daniel and Neva Petersen
The Leadinghams
Karen Kiker and Jody Royee
Marilyn Buck
Torie Osborn
Central Coast Dental Care
Congressman Sam Farr
Deborah Streeter and Ron Cook
Jan Hopkins
Jean Marie Pral
Michelle Pheasant Angelo
Pauline Vasche
Trotter Galleries
Paula Jaslow
Steve and Nicky Findley
Marianne and William Duffner
Deborah Port and Michael Heymann
George Peterson
Gail Skidmore
Bruce Hamiliton
Alan and Marilyn McMasters
Kenneth C Fowler
Julie and Steve McCullough
Sally Crosby
Susan Shillinglaw and William Gilly
Cynthia Greene
Douglas Walker Downs
Charlotte Noyes
Allen Aston
Grace Lifestyle Boutique
Robert Garcia
Bob and Leslie Mulford
Burton Fredericksen
Diane Cook
Janet Falco
Martin Schlining
Kirk Probasco
Elaine and Axel Gehrmann
David Glickman
Fredricka Brecht
Jeanne and Andrew McCombs
Journeyworks Publishing
Mary Ann Leffel
Stacey Milton
Bill Mitchell
David and Wendy Ellsworth
Susan Breen
Carmel Art Association
Laura and Frank Dost
Marilyn & Leo Woods
Aron and Colleen Stein
Daryl and Amanda Salm
Nancy Carnathan-Cribbs
Shirley & Hersch Loomis
Jennifer Walker
Edward Parrott
Fred and Ann Jealous
Josie Daly
Lori & Brooks McChesney
Chris and Steven Schulman
Ilene Tuttle
Julia and Matthew Triplett
Kristi Laguzza Boosman
Michael and Darcy Blackburn
Emily Saich
Jack and Katherine Herbig
Julie Galvin
Charles and Linda Page
Douglas Frye
Seva'aetasi Family
Mike & Carol Weesner
Monterey County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Kelleen Boyer
Janet Thomas
Oscar Berumen
Heather Lazare
Susan Gloninger Haimovich
Logan Parsons and Elijah Mermin
Brooke Young
Louise and Daniel Riddell-Kaufman
Janette Moody
Sue Addleman
Judy Leroy and Larry Booker
Mary Kay Orosco
Heidi Feldman
Jon and Victoria Raggett
Steven Wade and Karen Judkins
Veronica and Rudy Zucca
Jane Lundy
Judith Sulsona & William Rawson
Nancy Selfridge
Rhonda Williams
Tritia and Brian Moneypenny
Ray and Carol Magsalay
Daniel and Priscilla Gilbertson
Judith MacClelland
Mary Shoemaker and Dave Franek
Jim & Marta Fife
Deborah Greenberg
Emy Ledbetter
Eva Baele Bernstein
Katharina Harlow
Susan Walter
Steve and Danielle McShane
Steven and Aya Ettinger
Patricia and Bruce Belknap
Craig Nuttycombe
Janet Coulston Stoller
John Hoffman
Diane Seva-aetasi
Ronna Bradley and Dan Malone
Sally Voss
William Davidson
Anubis Cook
Betsy Galbreath and Duke Kelso
Leo Kodl and Peggy Alonas
Margaret E. Blume
Mary Colleen Harrington
Richard Levine
Darold Skerritt and Judith Lind
Gregor and Diane Cailliet
Walter and Patricia Wagenhals
Marlene Kellogg
Bob, Sue and Kevin Wecker
Martha Myszak
Andrew and Karen Sheppard
Bobby and Linda Delcambre
Nancy Wright
Sara Kew
Mai Ryuno
James and Margi Tyacke
Sheila and Ben Benson
Gail McIntyre
Adrienne Herman
Paper Wing Theatre
Cat's Meow
Colleen Campbell
Han Jung
Lindsay Cabanilla
Sung Kim
Maureen McBride
Chris D Bartels
Susan Holm
Christiane Muehlich
Jett Services, LLC
Annie Moynihan Stilwell and Aaron Stilwell
Anne Gosch and Joeseph Braun
Julie and Hank Armstrong
Krystle Hemmings and Morgan Zealear
Leslie Simon
Nancy Howden
William Hopkins
Anna and Emanuele Bartolini
Nancy Harray
Sue Parris and Larry Telles
Marina Romani
Michelle and Kurt Overmeyer
Lisa Watson & Family
Jeff and Susan Whitmore
Mary Pommerich
Hugo and Karen Ferlito
Sandra Still
Katie Clare Mazzeo
Catherine Crockett
Douglas and Laurie Classen
Emy and Charlie Paghasian
Lila and Spencer Critchley
Suzanne Worcester and Dr. Steve Moore
Wendy and Joe Burnett
Wendy Hursey
Mishka Chudilowsky
Jason Reed
Julie Heilman
Beth Nowell
Bryce and Suzanne Graybill
Koly McBride
Kristin and John Guertin
Roberta Parkinson
MaryAnne and Skip Lloyd
Regina Palmer
Marilyn Vassallo
Leslie and Daniel Hoffman
Mari Grijalva
Elizabeth Gallardo
Amity Wood
Ruth Williams
Susan L. Holland
Susan Page Hocevar
Abe Livchitz
Ray and Nancy Parsons
Kathleen Founds and David Glazerman
Hattori Vision Optometry
Dana Kane
Tim and Cammy Torgenrud
Linda T Mello
Maureen and Chuck Baroni-Boogay
Amanda Menefee
Kit Artig
Lisa and Brian Handley
Bruce Merchant and Sandra Reel
Neil Richman
Gerard Martin
Carole and Charles Bestor
Laura Twohig
Tom and Stacey Howard
Lidia Esquibel
Malo Auelua
Irene and Greg Fowler
Elizabeth Baltazar
Elizabeth Morillo
Mary Sandman
Bonnie Rose Fernandez
Kim Marie Pozar
Kim Moir
Maria Miramontes
Mimi Hoppas
Veronica and Danny Miramontes Guevara
Betty Lou Almon
Sharon Miller and Harry McClane
Anthony and Rohana Loschiavo
Patricia Gotch
Bob and Miyeko Tachibana
Traci Seva'aetasi
Jim Massle
George Kassal
Paulette Lynch and Ken Peterson
Ed Matchak
Kathleen Ryan
Anne and Ken Helms
Batista Moon Studio
Edy Rhodes
Sheila Wilson
Belinda Dostal
Sam Maher
Motley Cook
Blanca Berumen and Isais Valenzuela
Cole Thompson and Donna Mueller
Alisa Fineman and Kimball Hurd
Stephani Asbury
Emily Sesma
Stone Cook
Kane Chappell
Kathryn Gialketsis