Alumni Profile: Casper Callaway
Casper Callaway
We're so happy to introduce Casper Callaway in our newest alumni interview! Casper is a fantastically talented tattoo artist who, incidentally, got their tattoo apprenticeship through a connection with another YACalum! Casper has lead several temporary tattoo workshops at YAC (which were a huge hit!), and frequently volunteers in studio and at YAC shows! Find more of Casper's work on Instagram @caspercallawaytattoo.
Year/years at YAC?
2006 - 2014
Casper Callaway tattoo of woodblock style moon over waves in a triangle
Did you go to college and if so where?
Studied 2 years at Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, OR.
Casper Callaway tattoo of snake on a tree branch
Did you learn elsewhere? Where and how?
Practice is the best teacher!
Casper Callaway tattoo of a goldfish
Tell us about what you’re doing now.
I’ve been tattooing since 2014 at Earthbound Tattoo Studio in Sand City.
Casper Callaway tattoo of a cypress tree in front of the ocean, in the woodblock style.
What has inspired you along the way?
People trying to make the world better, people making cool shit.
Casper Callaway tattoo of a moon over a moth over crystals
Favorite YAC memories?
To this day I don't know who put Meg's glasses in the jello.
photo of glasses set inside a green bowl of jello with a pink birthday candle on top.
A mention about the value of YAC?
Youth Arts Collective has been a major force of good in my life. I joined when I was 14, and it gave me a safe haven to go to after school where I could be myself and meet other young artists. I wouldn't have developed the skills in drawing and painting I have now if not for the encouragement and guidance of the wonderful mentors there. Because of the portfolio YAC helped me build, I was accepted into Art College with scholarship. YAC is a place of inspiration, growth, and opportunity! It is so important to have a supportive community of creative people, especially for the teenagers. I’ve seen kids grow up there, not only in their art (which, wow!), but in their respect for the world around them. ‘Do Art, Be Kind’ is the YAC motto, but it’s really a way of living, one that YAC not only teaches, but actualizes. I am so proud of my fellow YACsters for where their art has taken them!
Casper Callaway tattoo of a beetle