Alumni Profile: Natalie Friedrich
Natalie Friedrich and her two daughters holding flowers
We're so happy to introduce Natalie Akane Friedrich in our newest installment of Alumni Profiles! Natalie is a multi-talented artist, herbalist, and homesteader who lives in Ohio and runs her own small business, Gnat and Bee! Huge thanks to Natalie for her fabulous interview!
Year/years at YAC?
My name is Natalie Akane Friedrich. I attended YAC from 2006-2009.
When I first stepped into the building, I was in awe of such color, diversityof art in the gallery. I was new in town, a transplanted Sophomore in highschool experiencing displacement and loneliness. The Youth Arts Collectiveenvironment, mentors and students were a safe space where I could expressmyself, make meaningful relationships and get lost in making art with so manymaterials and resources. YAC made life better!
Gnat and Bee Practical Salve
Did you go to college? And if so, where?
I attended Monterey Peninsula College during andafter high school. I focused on mixed media art classes and psychology. It washere that I fell in love with watercolor after instruction with Professor andArtist Bob Lamp.
Gnat and Bee Motherwort tincture
Tell us about what you’re doing now.
Today, I live with my husband and our 2 girls in Ohio on a 5 acre homestead. We have a dreamy wild place with woods, chickens and big vegetable, flower and herb gardens. It's a perfect sanctuary for play, discovery, experimentation and learning. After moving here, I began my own self studies in herbalism, increased my plant knowledge and began crafting my own useful remedies. I use my watercolor and art skills to help study wild and cultivated medicinal species. I have sold my nature inspired prints, originals and custom paintings. I have had the joy and honor of teaching watercolor skills privately and in group settings.
Gnat and Bee is my small business, created about 2 years ago where I sharemy daily use herbal remedies, body care and artwork. My art is featured on someof my labeling, I like to add and change my line seasonally and to whatinspires me. I enjoy teaching tea meditation classes using my hand blendedloose leaf teas, and wish to teach and take more classes on herbalism. I loveto collaborate with other artists and small business owners so we can promote,inspire and lift each other up. My other part time job is as a manager at aco-op market called Local Roots - it's like an indoor farmers market with over200 local producers who bring in their produce, products and artwork that wesell on commission. My product line is featured at Local Roots, and I lovediscovering new producers to curate into the market.
Gnat and Bee Lavender Hydrosol. Calming herbal mist 100% pure steam distilled lavendula angustifolia
What has inspired you along the way?
Along my path I have been inspired by nature and the changing seasons. Asthe wheel of the year turns, there are scents, colors, textures, flavors andemotions that come forth that ignite my curiosity and creative spirit. Olderartists who live out their passions are such a pleasure to witness and learnfrom ~ we can create a fulfilled life when we follow our calling. Each of usknows that when we experience a creative block or do not allow time for ourart, something is missing! When we're able to break out of the dry shell, itsone the best feelings in the world! Seeing others create freely definitelyhelps me to break free from my own shell. My children also remind me to havefun, make a mess and not take life too seriously.
Bunches of herbs hanging upside down above jars of herbs and mortar and pestle.
Favorite YAC memories?
My favorite YAC memories are captured in those crazy early morning hours ofART-A-THONS! 24 hour ebb and flow of laughter and tears, concentration andplay, sketch and paint, stitch and stuff all surrounded by the best people. Iam always so happy when I see these are still happening annually!
chickens in the snow in front of barn
A mention about the value of YAC?
YAC is invaluable. Meg and Marcia are a couple of the most welcoming, warm,patient and encouraging people I have ever known. Their library of materialsand resources feels unlimited. The way this setting supports the creativepassions and interests of students is stimulating and restorative. Thecommunity in YAC's walls is a safe space to express ourselves and feel acceptedfor who we are. As a teenager, this meant the world to me. I am so grateful formy experience as a YACster. The Monterey Bay Peninsula is beyond lucky to havesuch a gem for young artists to find a home away from home.