2016 Artathon Success!

YACsters came through the door right at 10am Saturday, eager to claim their spots where they'd be making art for 24 solid hours (and maybe catch a nap here and there). There were a lot of us this year!  We had more YACsters than ever before, plus eight alumni that showed up for the madness that was once their right of passage back when they attended YAC (and three from the original first generation gang). Old times mixed with new. Alumni, staff, and volunteers all helped to take us through the night. Artathon this year was hopping with enthusiasm and plenty of art making.Ricki Vincent mentored YACster Tennyson all the way through cast latex mask making. Marcia conducted airbrush demos for YACsters in the alley. Andrew taught some of them about night painting. Chloe and Meg frantically attempted to finish all pledged sketches for sponsors and at the same time photograph the hourly posts for FB (with help from Meheen), while greeting visitors as they came through the door to cheer us on. And there were plenty of them this year (if not simply curious about all the noise and energy coming out of the building). Board members brought help and added to the food the parents donated. Germain came for the her usual night shift fresh and ready to lift our spirits. YACsters Marz and Steven cooked on location. Requisite Queen songs were sung. We are now finishing up and framing all the work done or begun throughout those 24 hours – getting ready for our Summer Art Show. We thank you ALL for such a successful ARTathon this year: staff, returning Alumni, volunteers, and the YACsters and their sponsors. The pledges are still being fulfilled and new donations still coming in. This is our largest fundraiser of the year that goes directly to program and to keeping our doors open. Please consider a donation if you haven’t already done so. Donations will be matched up until end of this month. See you at the Show! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!! 


Edible Art Pop-Up Dinner at Lilify!


Fabulous Floral Design Workshop at YAC!