Reaching Across Generations Portrait Project: YACsters paint elders
Reaching Across Generations portraits of community elders
We live in an ageist culture, where teens and elders are somehow relegated to the sidelines. In our latest outreach project, we’ve paired a YACster with an elder from our community who is/has been an artist and/or activist. And through a unique portraits project, they both reach across these generations for a glimpse into each other’s life and perhaps each other’s generation. We are seven “pairings” in, and already know this is a moving and significant project, which we think needs to be ongoing.It starts with conversation. They meet. They have cookies. And for about an hour, they both respond to the same 10 or so life questions. Candid photos are taken for reference. About a month later, the YACster emerges with two portraits - one of the elder, and a self portrait.We unveil these first seven portrait sets at our upcoming Holiday Show Nov 17. Later newer portraits join them in community exhibits, and here on our blog and social media. And finally, both portraits are presented to the elder and their families as a thank you for their friendship, and to honor them for contributing to our community’s greater good, our cultural and artistic heritage.Come to our Holiday Art Show Opening Nov 17 to see them for yourself, and check back regularly as we post a bit about each of these conversations – the genesis to these wonderful portraits.