Monterey County Composers' Forum Benefit Concert!
Still Life with Cello: Postcard for YAC Benefit Concert put on by the Monterey County Composer's Forum.
The Monterey County Composers' Forum will present "Still Life with Cello" at Hidden Valley Music Seminars' Theatre at 104 West Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley, CA 93924 on Sunday November 3rd at 3:00 PM
Special guest cellist, Douglas Machiz, will perform six pieces especially created for him. Machiz is the cellist with the Friction String Quartet which headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area. The concert features music by local composers: Dana Abbott, David Canright, Hana Ettinger, Steve Ettinger, Paula Kaiser, Peter Kwiek, Mary Lesher, Carleton Macy, Edward Moncrief, Douglas Ovens, George Peterson, David Price, Julie Roseman, Dale Victorine, and Rick Yramategui.
A reception will follow.
Admission is $10; donations will be accepted to benefit Youth Arts Collective; YAC artists will have their work exhibited at the concert.
For more information, contact Steve Ettinger at (831) 385-0973 or at