A Letter From the Founders!

Dear Friends of YAC,

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday and YAC’s 17th birthday. Meg and I started Youth Arts Collective inspired by the spirit of his dream, and founded a place where young individuals of every gender, race, nationality, religion, personal challenge, orientation and economic status can come together as equals, in common interest and appreciation for each other. It is a place where young artists feel valued and supported by their community of peers and by the adults who mentor them. For 17 years YAC has continued to flourish and grow, with 750 amazing young creators in a little art studio in downtown Monterey -thanks to your support.

These days, Youth Arts Collective feels more important than ever. Everyday we get to witness artistic and personal breakthroughs, achievements, and palpable rises in self-esteem. At YAC the kids each play a part in a practicing model of egalitarian living, which is something they can carry into their future expectations and lifestyles. YACsters speak freely about their beliefs without being belittled. They can talk about their fears without being mocked. Their voices are important. They each are valued for their differences and for their characters - for exactly who they are. They are encouraged to become their best selves. All this, and more, happens while they make fabulous art in this studio in downtown Monterey.

YAC is nourished by your generous natures. It is sustained by your appreciation and active care for our youth, for recognizing the value of their creative pursuits in a safe community. It truly takes all of us – mentors, board members, volunteers, and donors – to pull off this magnificent experiment. Thank you for all you do for YAC and our community!

-Marcia and Meg


Printmaking Workshop at YAC with Jennifer Anderson!


Studio Antics