Meet Andrea
YACster Andrea
Andrea, a 18 year old Senior at York School, has been a member of YAC for over four months and as she finds it to be “colorful, eclectic and welcoming” will be sad to leave as she will be attending San Francisco State in the fall. Self described as “enthusiastic, analytical and driven” in addition to art she adores science and travel.Andrea’s first remembers loving artistic endeavor when as a preschooler her class “painted” with shaving cream. Transition that to her recent pride in presenting a completed piece for her AP art class wherein she locked herself in her room for a whole weekend to complete “Fruit Cat” – an acrylic painting of fruits and vegetables forming the shape of a cat.Andrea pursues her mutual love of animals and photography by volunteering to photograph animals for the SPCA for Monterey County. She also volunteers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and her work there inspires her favorite subject matter, the ocean. Her art often concentrates on repeating patterns in the marine world.Andrea describes her work as “positive, bright and organic” and plans to continue experimenting and expanding her repertoire, while also having fun with it. She has recently dabbled in makeup prosthetics, and after an initial failure, is determined to have a positive product someday soon.Andrea will study Physiology in hopes of becoming a Veterinarian and will always remember the diverse group of people and diversity of subject matter that she was introduced to at YAC.See Andrea’s work here: