Meet Natalia
YACster Natalia
Natalia, a 16-year-old R.L. Stevenson Junior, has been a member of Youth Arts Collective since she started High School. Natalia describes YAC as cozy, welcoming, diverse and awesome!Having been a YACster for over two years, Natalia finds that YAC has opened her eyes to many different perspectives and loves how her peers have such different ways of looking at the world and at art. She enjoys that from conservative to quirky, all forms of expression are welcome.Inspired by nature, the different ways people move “in a physical sense”, music and love; Natalia’s art often focuses on the female figure as she finds a certain natural elegance to the human form. Her work also uses a lot of color, is delicate, magical and mysterious. Natalia was especially proud of her creations during the last YAC show when she felt very confident with all of her work on display.Natalia, who considers herself goofy, caring and pensive also likes to play and listen to music as well as spend quality time with family and friends. She would love to continue with her artwork and aspires to work bigger, and in oil. In ten years she imagines that she will be still be in school, studying towards a high degree.See Natalia’s work here: