Wanzhi Li

Recently, I’ve been trying to step out of my comfort zones and explore sides to art I don’t usually do. This includes attempts to work with media I haven’t used much before: mainly, oils and acrylics. The way paint on a canvas can come together through color and texture to create something intriguing and powerful has always seemed fascinating to me, but also unfamiliar, as I tend to solely work in dry media or watercolors. While entering this new realm, I’m hoping to deepen my understanding of color and experiment with how it works for visual and emotional effects.
  • Hold On

    Medium: Oil
    Size: 7 x 10 in

  • Running Away

    Medium: Oil
    Size: 10 x 10 in

  • Freckles Across an Open Sky

    Medium: Color Pencil, Ink, Marker
    Size: 11 x 17 in

  • Dream Catcher

    Medium: Digital


Violet Frew