C. Josephine Hunt

I make art sometimes. The goal of it is never "art for art's sake," in the manner of the French bourgeois, but always part of a larger effort to understand and to act within the world. This is true for explicitly political and polemical pieces (Portrait of Dr. George Habash) but also for those which are 'pure' abstracts (Patience). Art without principle is useless at best, and quickly becomes worse than useless-- dangerous and reactionary, in reasserting the moribund principles of the old world instead of asserting bold new ones. The principles guiding all of my art are inspired by a belief in the human potential to build a new, fewer, more equal world social and political-economic order, free from exploitation and conquest, described by the maxim "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
  • Patience

    Medium: Acrylic, Pastel, Masonite, Crayon, Paper
    Size: 14 x 18 in

  • Portrait of Dr. George Habash

    Medium: Acrylic, Charcoal
    Size: 17 x 21 in

  • Pig, Burning. (For My Arrested Comrades)

    Medium: Acrylic, Collage
    Size: 14 x 11 in

  • Clown No. 1

    Medium: Various
    Size: 4 x 6 in


Brianna Meskus


Creedence Johnson