Thirsdei Legg

Hi, I’m Thirsdei! I like to make all kinds of art, anything that makes me happy. When I was younger I really started off by creating a lot of original characters for my drawings that went alongside an interesting storyline. Though I’ve branched off from that, they still show through in my art here and there, like in my recent piece, “Working out our band’s name”. In recent times I’ve come to really enjoy pottery and ceramics, along with other things like linocut print-making, painting, and sculpture. A lot of my art is inspired by the music I like, as well as the people in my life. They are some of the most important pieces of my life, and what have really shaped me as a person. Both the people and the music i love have been big influences in my style, Important experiences in my life, inspired me, and have grown me into the person and artist that I am today.
  • Remember when you took me in?

    Medium: Acrylic, Gouache, Watercolor, Color Pencil, Marker
    Size: 14 1/2 x 11 1/2 in

  • Moth Army

    Medium: Acrylic
    Size: 11 x 14 in

  • “working out our band’s name”

    Medium: Acrylic, Gouache, Watercolor, Ink, Marker
    Size: 27.5 x 29 in

  • Hour of the wolf

    Medium: Ceramic
    5.5 x 5.5 x 8 in

  • Magic hour

    Medium: Ceramic
    Size: 4 x 5.5 x 5 in

  • Backwash

    Medium: Acrylic, Gouache
    Size: 16 x 20 in


Sophia Poggemeyer


Vedder Rivard