Hazel Guichet

Hi, I'm Hazel! I work with all mediums of art. Such as fiber arts(crochet, etc.), paintings, sketches, ceramics, and more. I have only spent a few months as a member of YAC but so far I have improved my prospective work and have made many friends. I highly recommend coming in person if you can:)
  • Cooking in the kitchen

    Medium: Acrylic
    Size: 10 in diameter

  • Cherries VS kiwies

    Medium: Ceramic
    Size: (Main plate) 6 1/2 in w., 6.3-ish h., 0.5 in d., (cherry pice (Circler)) 2in, 1.7, THIN(these are all pretty simmler so not exact(5 pieces), (kiwi pieces(rectangle)) 1.2in w., 1.9h., Also THIN(all simmler in size(5 pieces))

  • Blue Hexicardigan

    Medium: Crochet
    Size: medium


Etana Borum


Iphigenia Wilder