Sofia Escobar

Hi, my name is Sofia Escobar. I am 14 years old and this is my first year at YAC! I mainly work with acrylic, or gouache paint and graphite pencils with some colored pencils. through YAC I am hoping to branch out into new things. I like to include elements of death and life in my work and I am fascinated by the contrast of life and death in my work. I also love using hands and eyes in my my work. I am greatly inspired my black and white illustration and bold, contrasting colors in clothes. Graphic design is also something I love to scroll through for inspiration. I am exited that YAC will be abe to help me with my artistic journey in the years to come
  • Bouguet

    Medium: Graphite, Ink
    Size: 12 x 9 in

  • Stared Sockets

    Medium: Acrylic, Graphite
    Size: 12 x 12 in

  • Anxiety

    Medium: Acrylic, Graphite
    Size: 11 x 14 in


Sienna Farfan


Vedder Rivard