Spotlight: Mural Walk
Sand City has a vibrant display of murals right now and you have to check it out! YACalum and mentor Natalia Corazza and her mural group, La Neta, painted a 45'x25' corrugated metal wall on the corner of Ortiz and Contra Costa. The pictures do not do it justice so you will have to see it for yourself. While you’re there, you can check out YAC mentor Paul Richmond’s work at the Sand City Art Park, where he collaborated with Bryan Gage to paint the asphalt to tie the whole space together.
YACsters, family members, and 3 of our board members did a walking tour with Natalia and Paul where they explained more about their pieces and other artists. We walked away feeling so inspired to think bigger and create pieces larger than we can imagine. If you want to go on your own walking tour, you can see more info here! Big shout outs to we.Art and Arts Council for Monterey County for helping make this happen.
We are also looking forward to having La Neta stop by YAC to talk to us about muraling sometime in the near future.
Paul shows us the large asphalt mural he worked on with Brian Gage.
Natalia in her element. Photo taken by Pedro Aceves @chivesviria