Press Release: Teaching Across Generations (TAG) returns to Youth Arts Collective

For Release, contact Marissa Serna, YAC Program Director
Telephone: (831) 200-9579

Does your pre-teen love art? Looking for a studio where they can flourish and evolve artistically as they grow older?

Youth Arts Collective is bringing back TAG, with workshops open to artists ages 11-13. Explore collage, mobile making, painting & ceramics with us!

TAG sessions happen two Saturdays per month, 10am-12pm

  • June 1st & 8th: 2D & 3D Composition

  • July 13th & 20th: Painting (Closed July 6th, to honor the 4th of July holiday)

  • August 3rd & 10th: Ceramics

June & July TAGsters will have an opportunity to be in our Summer Show alongside YACsters and mentors!

August TAGsters will get to take home their own hand-built ceramic pieces!

May 25: registration closes

Sign up for all six sessions upon enrollment and get 17% off!

To download: click on image to enlarge, then right click for download options

TAG artists learning from Marcia (co-founder and mentor) about ceramics, and creating pieces to take home. We will be featuring 2 ceramic workshops in our upcoming TAG program!

TAG artists are painting paper swirls before assembling them into mobiles. At the end of the table is Raven, who is now a YAC intern!


Press Release: ARTathon 2024