Press Release: ARTathon 2024
For Release, contact Marissa Serna, YAC Program Director
Telephone: (831) 200-9579
YAC is back with its famous annual event: the 24 hour ARTathon!
ARTathon is a youth & family driven fundraiser to keep YAC thriving. This year, YACsters are coming together to raise money for YAC by taking up the challenge of creating art for 24 continuous hours, from 10am Saturday, June 22 to 10am Sunday, June 23!
Friends and family are invited to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @youthartscollective cheering us on with donations and comments as we post photos and videos every hour.
Follow all 70 of us, YACsters and mentors combined, as we paint, sculpt, doodle, illustrate and ideate throughout this extraordinary opportunity that pushes the boundaries of our arts practice and forges life-long bonds between us.
Traditionally, much of the art done during ARTathon is exhibited in our upcoming Summer Art Show! It will be on display online and in-studio, with an opening reception on Friday, July 26th.
We will be accepting donations up to and throughout the event.
For donations $50 and above, you will receive the famous “Before and After” photo of YACsters and mentors!
To download: click on image to enlarge, then right click for download options.
For more photos, contact Grace Khieu, Promotional Director:
ARTathon 2023: Before
ARTathon 2023: After
ARTathon 2023: Hour 12